Knockkippen wind farm proposal supported by East Ayrshire Council Committee
East Ayrshire Council’s Planning Committee have agreed to raise ‘No Objection’ to the proposed Knockkippen Wind Farm after they considered the project at their meeting last Friday (25 August 2023).
As a Section 36 project, the application will be determined by the Scottish Government and East Ayrshire Council is a key consultee.
Comprising twelve turbines, with a maximum tip height ranging between 150m and 180m and a capacity of around 60MW (megawatts), the proposed wind farm’s location is around 2km from Patna on the southern edge of the North Kyle Forest, overlooking several former opencast mines. The plans also include co-located battery storage and ground-mounted solar PV with the wind farm to maximise the use of the grid connection.
The applicant is Naturalis Energy Developments Ltd (Naturalis), a joint venture between two long standing renewable energy developers, Renantis (formerly Falck Renewables) and REG Windpower
Naturalis has committed to paying £5,000 per MW of installed capacity into a community benefit fund.
If the project is consented - and based on current technology - this could deliver £300,000 per year, equivalent to £10.5m over the 35-year expected lifetime of the wind farm.
The 9CC Group, a charitable trust set up by nine of the Community Councils in East Ayrshire, will administer the community benefit fund.
Funds will also be provided to the East Ayrshire Coalfield Communities Landscape Partnership (EACCLP) to support its legacy projects, which celebrate the industrial heritage of the area while helping to regenerate former mining communities. Projects range from new apprenticeships and walking trails to peatland restoration and the preservation of the historic Doon Valley Railway.
Earlier this summer (23 June 2023), Naturalis signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the 9CC Group to formalise their commitment to delivering the community benefit funds.
The community benefit fund is expected to kick in once the wind farm is operational, which is expected towards the end of 2026.
Speaking on behalf of Naturalis, Project Manager Tim Mockridge said:
“We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to speak with us on our proposals and help shape the project.
“Knockkippen is a well sited project within the landscape, with the majority in East Ayrshire Council’s preferred area for wind development and we are very pleased that the Council today confirmed that it supports the proposal.
“If consented, the wind farm will create direct and indirect economic benefits including opportunities for local job creation during the construction period and a range of contracts that local firms will be encouraged to bid for. We have engaged extensively on community benefit and investment programmes with community representatives and appreciate their input into the project.
“The project will harness and store clean energy and contribute to Scotland’s ambitious net-zero emissions goal by 2045.”